13 October 2015

House Visits and Thanksgiving

This past weekend Canada celebrated Thanksgiving, and since I am Canadian, I was thinking about all the items, corporal and spiritual, that I am grateful for.  The list was made even more discernable after visiting some of our participants’ houses last Friday.  Visiting the places where some of our ladies reside was thought provoking.  The house visits gave us the opportunity so see what the needs of our participants are first hand, thus ensuring that Bijlmer Bridge2Hope is better able work towards truly improving the needs of our ladies.

It was a privilege to be welcomed into the participants’ residences with open arms, a cup of tea or juice, and an openness and thankfulness expressed for the effects that they do have. 
We surely do live a life of privilege… many times we do not realize just how much we have, or how blessed we truly are.  Sometimes we fall into a pattern of looking at the negative side of life, seeing only the things in our house that need fixing, complaining about a lack of clothes when our wardrobe is full, or saying we need a new pair of shoes, even though we already have ten other pairs in the front hall, or looking in the fridge and seeing “nothing” to eat.

Looking at the circumstances of others definitely gives one a new perspective to think about when they feel themselves slipping into a negative pattern of thinking. We all, no matter our situations, have something to be thankful about.  I for one am thankful for the opportunity to work with our participants in Bijlmer Bridge2Hope.  They are beautiful individuals who teach me as much as I am hopefully teaching them…

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